How to Take Care of Your Skin While Wearing a Mask

Masks are important for controlling the spread of Coronavirus, but they can also irritate the skin, clog pores, and limit airflow to the surface of your skin. Frequent mask-wearing has also been known to cause acne, blackheads, dry and itchy skin, eczema, rashes, and even skin peeling. The point is, masks can be rough on your face, but what can you do to prevent these issues? Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you maintain better skin health while wearing a mask.
Use a Gentle Face Cleanser

Keeping your skin clean of dirt, oil, and makeup is essential. Since wearing a mask can exacerbate the buildup of excess dirt and grime, you’ll need to spend extra care in the morning and night making sure your skin is truly clean and clear of pore-clogging impurities. Avoid harsh cleaning products on your skin containing alcohol, and choose a mild cleanser formulated for sensitive skin. It is best to follow up your cleansing routine with a toner if possible to ensure your skin is as clean as possible and to tighten and close pores.
Hydration is Key, Don’t Skip This!
Did you know that a great moisturizer adds a protective layer to your skin? It is important to add facial hydration in the morning and night. You may only require a light serum for the day, but you may want to choose a more moisturizing, thicker serum to help restore that layer of moisture in your skin during the evening. You could follow this with a light facial lotion; however, if you have oily skin you could skip this step. Try moisturizing your skin consistently morning and night for one week using a great hydrating serum, and you should see some improvements quickly.
There are many different types of hydrating serums to choose from. Once you find one that works well and does not cause allergies or skin irritations, stick with it for a while to see what benefits it can bring to your skin health and appearance.
Breakup With Makeup
Makeup can be hard on the skin without a mask, so with a mask, the problem gets compounded. Makeup can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. We would recommend skipping foundations and blushes as these types of makeup tend to be a bit heavier and can cause skin problems in combination with masks. It doesn’t mean totally ditching your makeup routine, but try giving your skin a bit of a break during the week, with some on and off days, cut back slowly, or go cold turkey!
Protect Your Lips
Lips can become dry and chapped when you wear a mask all day. Chapped lips are easy to prevent by simply applying a lip balm or petroleum jelly to your lips before putting on your mask. You can reapply as necessary throughout the day, so take that balm wherever you go! A few applications throughout the day will help ensure you have supple, luscious lips.
Avoid Synthetic Materials
Synthetic masks rubbing across your face all day is not pleasant. Try to avoid synthetic materials at all costs! Choose a mask made from a natural material like cotton, and ideally use a reusable mask that can be washed. This step alone can make a huge difference in preventing unwanted skin irritation.
Wash Your Hands Before Removing Mask
Washing your hands before removing your mask will ensure you don't transfer germs and bacteria directly from your hands to your face that has been hiding all day behind your mask. Just as a doctor would wash her hands before interacting with a patient, you should do the same thing. Clean those hands to ensure you don’t infect your skin with bacteria that can cause unwanted breakouts and acne.
Final Thoughts
Who knows when we’ll be able to get back to normal without the need for face masks, it could literally be years. Maintaining the health of your skin is important, even in these times. We hope these simple tips can help you avoid skin irritation while wearing a mask.
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